Support us

The mental health issues facing children and young people cannot be addressed by any single organisation alone and this is an entirely local initiative. We have no funding other than that which is given by people who want to make a difference to the lives of children and young people.

The Weald Family Hub continues to raise funds in order to be able to do even more. Any donation received makes a real difference to the lives of children and young people who are challenged by issues of mental health in our community.

How your donations make a difference

Here are just a few ways that your support can help children and young people in the Weald.


Provides one session of counselling for one child


Provides a course of counselling for one child for 18 weeks


Provides counselling for three children for 18 weeks in one of our partnership schools


Allows us to offer 3 counselling places every week in one of our partnership schools for a whole academic year

We continue to be grateful for the ongoing support of our partner churches, schools, local philanthropists, individuals and businesses and the local community who raise funds on our behalf.

We are very thankful and fortunate to have the support of so many people across the Wealden community with their offers of time, expertise and fundraising skills, and our sincerest gratitude goes to them all. Without you we would not be able to realise our vision to continue supporting those children and young people with mental health challenges in our villages.

Meet those supporting children and young people’s mental health in the Weald

Thank you to all our supporters, partnerships and funders.

St. Mary's Church, Goudhurst

All Saints' Church Staplehurst

St. George's Church, Benenden

Thank you for your support, it allows us to continue to help children and young people in the Weald with mental health challenges.

Please contact us if you would like to support our work.

Contact us